Ohio is finding a way to reopen after the mass-shutdowns surrounding coronavirus, and cabin fever has people itching to get out of the house. Many are cautious about how to do so safely. Even though most have been enjoying the small screen at home, there is something nostalgic about going out to the movies, and nowhere more so than at drive-ins. Whether you want to enjoy a blockbuster from the safety of your car or you want to get the family out of the house for a night, look no further than the South Drive-In.
Where is South Drive-In?
South Drive in is located at 3050 S. High St in Columbus, and has been a mainstay in the area since 1950. It has 2 screens, showing 2-3 different features on each well into the night. In fact, the first movie of the night is usually replayed as the last showing, so those who have other plans or work late shifts will still be able to snag a seat. This drive in doesn’t just get movies that have been out for a while either – they often have new titles streaming throughout.
What's it like?
You can sit in your car and use your speakers, or (as we would recommend) get cozy in your truck bed and grab a hanging speaker from the pole beside your parking spot on a nice night – feels like a trip back in time (you know, except for the awesome CGI on the screen). Pro tip: a lot of people use their car speakers – ask to use your neighbors hanging speaker for old school surround sound.
If you’re worried about the weather, the drive-in still screens flicks even in the rain. You can grab all your favorite refreshments at the concession stand, but they don’t mind if you bring snacks from home (though buying from them does support local by helping them stay open).
Current Considerations
The season of operation is typically April to September, but varies a little earlier or later weather-dependent. In 2020, they had events into December! It opens every night of the week from Memorial day to whenever the school year starts; the rest of the time it is open Friday through Sunday.
South Drive-In was minding safety during the 2020 season. They reduced parking by half to give ample space between every car, and have implemented cleaning protocols for the speakers and concessions.
The first feature of the night is usually around 9 pm. Tickets are $9.50 for adults, $2 for ages 5-11, and under 5 free. To learn more about South Drive-In and their policies during this time, visit their website here, or check them out on Facebook.
Want even more from the south side?
In the area earlier in the day? South Drive-In is also home to a large flea market – hunt those bargains! The flea market is open every Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday from 5a-1p, weather permitting.
Want to stop off for a drink on the way out of town? Hit up Antiques on High.
Need some coffee to stay up past your bedtime? Try Stauf’s Coffee Roasters (German Village).